Posts Tagged:duxford
Duxford AirShow 2018
25 July 2018
Duxford is a homecoming for me, I could have copied the title from a song by U2, but I have bothered the stones to whom I am closer by age: a dive int...
Duxford American AirShow 2016
3 July 2016
American Duxford Airshow is an annual event taking place in the IWM Duxford, where modern machines are presented together with historical planes. This...
Duxford Flying Legends 2015
29 July 2015
As every year the Duxford Flying Legends airshow held at the historic airport in Duxford Aviation collects thousands of fans from around the world. Th...
Duxford AirShow 2012
13 December 2012
On 8-9 September 2012 , once again at the airport near Duxford airshow held . An unusual sunny weather on both days made ​​with the party there are cr...
Duxford Flying Legends 2012
2 July 2012
Time for another relationship from Duxford . This time, the airport located near Cambridge hosted the largest in Europe shows the historical aircraft ...
Duxford Jubiliee AirShow 2012
2 June 2012
Time for another relation , this time from Duxford . This year, the theme of the demonstrations was the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the cor...
Duxford Autumn AirShow 2011
12 November 2011
Welcome to last report this year photos from the air show . As usual at the end of the season flying company met at Duxford , this time the motive for...