Sky Safety Flight Academy
26 July 2019
Have you even wondered what are the differences between flight training in USA comparing to Europe? This is quite hot topic, because of significant di...
Victory Aviation – S-211 Marchetti
12 July 2019
Każde dziecko marzy o tym, by zostać pilotem myśliwca, lecz niestety nie każde realizuje swoje marzenia. Ale nie trzeba być pilotem wojskowym,...
TLP 2.0 – Era officially begins
29 June 2019
After 40 years of activity, 2019 is a special year for the TLP Tactical Leadership Program of Albacete. With the Flying Course 2019-1 the experimentat...
Beechcraft Debonair
15 June 2019
Samoloty kupuje się do wielu celów – do szkolenia, akrobacji, lotów turystycznych lub do podnoszenia własnych umiejętności pilotażowych i podtrzymywan...
NATO Tiger Meet 2019
1 June 2019
The airbase BA118 of Mont-de-Marsan last may opened the doors to one of the best known NATO exercises: the Tiger Meet.The "Tiger Meet" is an exercise ...
22 May 2019
What are the components so that a complex exercise like Iniohos is a good investment of time and resources, both productive, profitable and fruitful, ...
British Aerobatic Academy
2 April 2019
In the mid-February we have met with Polish pilot - Maciej Kulaszewski, who flies everyday in the only british aviation school - British Aerobatic Aca...
Baltic Air Policing
Baltic Air Policing 2019-1
Thanks to amazing cooperation with Lithuanian and Polish Air Force we were able to take aerial pictures during current rotation of Baltic Air Policing...
Dark Falcon – F-16 Demo Team
2 February 2019 and
It’s not always when you see an aircraft at it amazes you from the first look. But this is the impression when one see a newly painted F-16 of Belgian...
Iran AirShow 2018
2 December 2018
Known as Persian Gulf Airshow, the Iran Airshow is an aeronautical exhibition and air show that takes place every two years on the island of Kish, in ...
Clear Sky 2018
12 November 2018
Ukraine hosted for the first time a multinational exercise named “Clear Sky 2018” . On Oct. 6, 2018, U.S.A.F. F-15C’s Eagles, belonging to the 194t...