23. Baza Lotnictwa Taktycznego
7 June 2012 and
On 1 June 2012, we decided to visit 23 Tactical Air Base in Minsk Mazowiecki. We chose this day hoping to intense arrivals and training for the picnic...
Piknik lotniczy w Mińsku Mazowieckim 2012
6 June 2012
On June 2, 2012 we had the opportunity to stay in the area 23 Tactical Air Base in Janow near Minsk Mazowiecki during a picnic on the occasion of the ...
Bombardier Global 5000
5 June 2012
Using the visits at Warsaw Airport (by presentation for Eurolot Q400) we decided to shoot a machine belonging to the line BlueJet - Bombardier Global ...
Bombardier Q400 dla EuroLOTu
4 June 2012
On 28 May 2012 at Warsaw Airport was a presentation of a new aircraft for Eurolot - Bombardier Q400 NextGen . In the hangar of Bluejet ( on CD Okecie ...
Duxford Jubiliee AirShow 2012
2 June 2012
Time for another relation , this time from Duxford . This year, the theme of the demonstrations was the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the cor...
Southend Festival of Air 2012
29 May 2012
After endlessly winter months, it's time to start show season and, like every year, the first major event held in Southend seaside in the south-east o...
Frankfurt (EDDF) w obiektywie
2 May 2012
Another visited by us airport ( in April) was Frankfurt . One of the three largest airports in Europe so far as. "Window on the world " because this i...
MACE XIII – Ćwiczenia NATO
21 April 2012
On 16-27.04.2012 at the airport Sliace (Slovakia ) held an international exercise MACE XIII , 2012. We decided not to miss this opportunity to see int...
Gdańsk – Rębiechowo w obiektywie
18 April 2012
With the airline OLT Express, which organized a press conference at the airport in Gdansk, we had the opportunity to spend some time at the airport. O...
OLT Express – konferencja prasowa
14 April 2012
On April 11, 2012 in Gdansk airline OLT Express held a press conference offering direct were present . In addition to this , especially for journalist...
Heathrow w obiektywie
25 March 2012
This time we present the results of our first trip to London Heathrow. An excursion we treated as reconnaissance - both when it comes to search for a ...