Filip Modrzejewski

Chief Editor of the Foto Poork aviation outlet. He has accumulated huge amounts of Air-to-Air photography experience, logging more than 500 hours of photo-shoots in the air. Moreover, he has been into photography ever since, and he is striving to bring unusual photos back from any of the unique events he attends.

Prezentacja nowości fotograficznych Canon
22 February 2016
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Joint Warrior 2015 – AAR operations
4 February 2016
Joint Warrior 2015 – operacje AAR
25 January 2016
Thanks to our cooperation with  Luftwaffe and Flugbereitschaft BMVg, at the beginning of October we had the opportunity to participate in Joint Warrio...
Baltic Air Policing
Baltic Region Training Event 22
27 December 2015
View of the Hungarian armed fighters, JAS-39 Gripen, from an airplane window is an unusual and beautiful view. They have not appeared in the air "just...
Kalendarz Lotniczy 2016
16 December 2015
Zapraszamy do zakupienia kalendarza lotniczego 2016, nad którym objęliśmy patronat honorowy. Kalendarz stworzony jest przez fotografów, z którymi miel...
Baltic Bees Jet Team – Air-to-Air
1 December 2015
Baltic Bees Jet Team is one of the youngest civilian aerobatic teams. However, they have built up a reputation and are recognizable across Europe. The...
Radom AirShow 2015 – people
28 November 2015
Air Show Radom 2015 attracted nearly 200,000 viewers. These two weekend days of August were an opportunity for closer contact with aviation, both for ...
Radom AirShow 2015 – night photos
24 November 2015
AirShow Radom attracted nearly 200,000 viewers of Polish and abroad. These two weekend days of August were an opportunity for closer contact with avia...
Radom AirShow 2015 – airshow
21 November 2015
Air Show Radom 2015 attracted nearly 200,000 viewers. These two weekend days of August were an opportunity for closer contact with aviation, both for ...
Aviation Girls 2015 – aviation photo shoot
16 November 2015
In September , thanks to the cooperation with , we went to Wloclawek , where in conjunction with the company Java Car Design was organiz...
IV Conference of Aviation Traffic
15 November 2015
In cooperation with the Department of Transport Engineering Department of Transport Air Warsaw University of Technology and Student Scientific Associa...