Between 31.03-11.04 in the northern part of the Netherlands took place one of the largest exercises of NATO air forces – “FRISIAN FLAG 2014”. Airport native of these exercises was Leeuwarden airbase where the tasks competed about 50 machines. Involved in exercise machines were: Dutch, Belgian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Danish F -16 and the German and the Spanish EF -2000 Eurofighter, and the Finnish F -18. Support aircraft were Dutch KDC -10 , A310 MRT German and Italian KC- 767A , which were stationed at the airport in Eindhoven . Electronic support of the whole of filled jobs in the air gave the French AWACS E -3F .
After our visit in 2013, once made we the decision about visiting these exercises in 2014 . Traveling plan had already been prepared long in advance and the remainder of its implementation. Of course, there was a visit to the airport in Amsterdam , but more on that on the occasion of a separate photorelation .
On 04.04.2014 we were present at the base of Leeuwarden. Unfortunately, on this day the weather thwarted our plans to photography. The whole week earlier sunny weather prevailed and on the very day of our visit reigned “gray”. Personally, I do not remember the last time, if at all some shots in such conditions: fog, drizzle, low cloud base and penetrating moisture combined with a strong wind from the North Sea . Well it’s hard to not only exercise airshow – airplanes will fly , and for us a lot too dark ! Quickly we set out with the attitude taken to watching and enjoying the takeoffs and landings about 50 machines – not often have the opportunity to hear the number of machines and see.